joi, 20 martie 2008

Chestii care se vor intimpla in timpul zilei

Artistii de peste zi au inceput sa-si confirme participarea si sa-si definitiveze live-act-urile. Unul cite unul, ii veti gasi pe acest blog :)

Prima care s-a anuntat este Nini.

Nini vine din Malaesia si este studenta la Facultatea de Arte din Bucuresti.

Ce va face ea:


Coinciding with the event, there will be an art demonstration on Adobe Photoshop.

The illustrator will be demonstrating using a Wacom Intuos graphic tablet, and the progress may be viewed clearly on a wall projection.

We encourage interactivity during the demonstration, any ideas, questions and comments are welcome.

Moving alongside with technology, different mediums may be used as a tool of communication, and computer generated artworks are one of them.

There should not be a limit to the tools an artist could use to transmit messages and effective productivity, be it real media or digital media.

1 comentarii:

Anonymous Anonim a spus...

SO asta se va intampla la "art performance" (adica pe la 7-8?)?

4 aprilie 2008 la 12:58  

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